
Here as a coach? Project information page.

Welcome to Effio. This website has been created to aid professionals who have to brainstorm online structuring their process throug the usage of templates. Effio is an application on Miro, which will generate a template for you based on your specific meeting.

On this site, you will find Miro boards on which you can browse through the database of templates. They are provided in English (and will be in Dutch), with long descriptions and with short notes. At the bottom you can also find a set of useful files, an agenda template and addtional tips for your meeting.
If you are here for the first time, feel free to watch the following short video as an introduction to the system and its usage.

Short video explaining Effio

Short templates

Already have experience with this tool, or facilitation of online meetings? Or perhaps you would just like to browse? These templates with shorter descriptions might be perfect for you!

English version

Extensive templates

First time here, or need a refresher? These templates will give you extra tips and guidance on the facilitatation of your session.

English version


Need any help or guidance? Perhaps one of the following files or videos can help you.


Difficulties navigating Miro? These videos can help you figure out the basics. The first is a short introduction, whereas the second is a more elaborate webinar.

Short video made by Miro

Longer video made by Miro


No inspiration for a check-in question? Want a clear overview of the different steps used in the templates? Or just very interested in the theory behind each template? You can find all of that in the following files.
Anything missing? Let me know!