
EP-Sleepy - Final Master Project

A questionnaire machine for children to track their subjective sleep experience.

FLOT - M2.1 Project

A new system to track fluid intake of patients at the hospital.

Researching MyBeaker - M1.2

User experience study of the MyBeaker

Botano - M1.1 Project

An all-around system to take care of your plants and find inspiration for recipes.

Effio - Final Bachelor Project

The creation of an Online Brainstorming Tool.


Designing User Interfaces with Emerging Technology - M1.1

Designing with a new technology every week

Constructive Design Research - M1.1

Investigating the influence of personalization on personal ownership

Design for Behavioural Change - M1.1

Theories and methods for designing for behavioural change

Researching the Future Everyday - M1.2

Studying adaptive robot behaviour

Psychology of Light and Time - M2.1

Course on light and sleep and the influence on humans

Ethics of Technology - M2.1

Critical evaluations and conversations about (emerging) technologies