
TR - MDC - US - CA - BE - DRP

Design Project| M2.2 | 2022
Coach: Panos Markopoulos
Created by: Hannah van Iterson
Final Report falls under an NDA | Demo Day Page | GitHub

EP-Sleepy is a device made to include children aged 6-8 in the intake process when seeking medical help for sleep problems. Asking questions about the subjective sleep experience of the child, giving the clinical practitioner a broader view compared to just the parental report.

The final version of EP-Sleepy has the potential to be something more generally applicable and usable. To allow further iterating with the idea of this product, the software and creation guide will be open source for future designers to use and adapt.

Prototype version 1

Prototype version 2

Why we need EP-Sleepy

Specific use of EP-Sleepy vs general use of Enquiry Products
