FLOT: a system to track liquid-intake in the hospital and at home
TR - MDC - US - CA - BE - DRP
Design Project| M2.1 | 2022
Coach: Panos Markopoulos
Created by: Hannah van Iterson
Final Report |
Demo Day Page
The FLOT system is a proof of concept prototype to automatically track and display the intake of hospitalized patients with a fluid intake restriction, based on finding in M1.2. FLOT aims to lower the workload for nurses and inform patients about their fluid intake. The system consists of two parts: Puck, the sensor unit which is placed under a cup, and Hub, the display unit.
I presented FLOT at the yearly Wetenschaps Middag at the MMC. See the presentation here on the left or go here.
Full system
Internal box of Puck
Puck internal components without ESP32